The intention of our blog! Getting started!

Welcome to the T’Cher Blog!  

 T’Cher began in 2019 as a study about the health and life experiences of Trans women in the New Orleans area. Since then, it has expanded its purpose and focus. While the Tres Cher, Take Charge website aims to support trans individuals along their health journey, the intention of this blog is to be a resource to things outside the realm of health. The T’Cher blog is a place where people of trans experience can come to find community news, information about organizations and services in the area, as well as insight into the local, national, and global fight for the rights and equality that belong to trans and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) individuals.  

We are a group of Trans people and allies, writing to share our experiences, opinions, and support, and to bring attention to topics that we think are important.  

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Conchita Iglesias-Mcelwee

Conchita is a Latinx and indigenous Louisiana native with over 20 years experience in social work. She has a background in HIV care specializing in LGBTQIA+ community needs, social justice initiatives, and is passionate about demanding equity for all. She is a currently a licensed social worker and PhD student in Justice Studies. She is also an artist, and a fierce lover of her spouse, animals, and glitter.