"We're viewed as clowns to them, they show us a lot of aggression... When arrested, we protest and say we are women and the police say, 'No. You're a man. You're just a crazy man.' That's the police here." 


“Because I hadn't legally changed my name, my co-workers would use he and male pronouns. They were calling me by my female name, yet making side jokes about how 'he's really a man'."


    • Trouble finding a job
    • Turned down for a job
    • Fired from a job
    • Turned down for a promotionAbout 3 out of 4 participants (74%) experienced some form of stigma relating to employment:
  • Participants whose ID did not match their gender were 4 times more likely to be turned down for a job than those whose IDs matched.

“I don’t go out because I am scared. Usually when you meet a guy and then you start to tell them you are a trans woman, they start to yell and insult you.”

Latinx focus group participant
  • 61% Participants experienced verbal abuse in the past 12 months
  • 31% Experienced forced sex
  • 29% Respondents have had someone physically hurt them
  • 28% Believe the violence was because of gender identity

“Lots of trans folks haven’t had the ability to get job experience, volunteer, or get internships—it is hard to find more meaningful long-term employment without that experience.”

White focus group participant

"I was in a small town in Washington and I got called out. It was scary. I was walking down the street in makeup and heels. They yelled hateful slurs at me, and I was worried they would come back around. I was with my dad. Now I keep defense stuff with me, like a taser."


  • Participants whose ID did not match their preferred name were almost 6 times more likely to be treated poorly in a healthcare setting than those whose ID matched.
  • They were 3 times more likely to hear doctors' gossip about them because of their gender identity