


As I write this blog, I sit back to recall all the moments in my life that I honestly never thought I’d even make it to; much less prepare for. As a 51-year-old Black woman of Trans Experience who is also living with HIV, Epilepsy, Pre-Diabetes, High Blood Pressure AND High Cholesterol, JUST TO NAME A FEW, I’ve lived long past my life expectancy. Who would’ve thought that I’d be still alive to deal with everything that the aging process has thrown my way? Yet it has. Let’s just keep it real y’all, there are lots of resources available for people who are aging, but whether they are appropriate for Transgender Women is a whole other topic. Is there a place that won’t erase all the hard work I have done on myself; a place that will respect my choice to live in my truth? It’s hard enough to find appropriate care for our community regardless of our age. For myself, the older I get, the more I worry about my quality of life and what that’s going to look like when or if I ever need someone to help me with things that I can’t do anymore. Have I…

Women With a Vision, Inc.

Women With a Vision, Inc.

We at T’CHER would like to shine a bright light on a group who has dedicated 33 years to serve and giving back to the women of Greater New Orleans. Women With a Vision, Inc. is an amazing refuge for women—including women of trans experience—in need of help with the many struggles of life. If you need a shoulder to lean on, they are there with several to lend; or if you simply need direction, they will point you in the right direction. This group fights for equity, equality, and justice in our most vulnerable areas. A grass root group of African American women founded this community-based nonprofit in 1989. It was 11 women of color that took up the fight for marginalized women when they noticed the face of HIV and AIDS beginning to change. This organization combined women’s health services with advocacy work to address social condition in the greater New Orleans area’s most vulnerable communities. Women With a Vision, Inc. uses their Harm Reduction program to supply needle supplies along with Narcan, condoms, lube, contraceptive guides, and Plan B—all of which is free. They also have a Diversion Program that helps to decriminalize sex work by advocating…

COMING SOON! T’Cher Take Charge

COMING SOON! T’Cher Take Charge

Coming Soon – PrEP for Women of Trans Experience / Proximamente Enbreve Pronto PrEP Para mujeres de exxperienca trans

How to be the best ally you can for your LGBTQIA+ community

How to be the best ally you can for your LGBTQIA+ community

I think that true allyship for any community requires a knowledge of the history of the people that you are hoping to help and protect. While I have my own experiences and history with my chosen family that extends over 30 years, the whole history of the experience of LGBTQIA+ folks in the US, especially in the South is a complicated and often tragic one. My interest in being an ally came in the 90’s as a teen when I was a friend of people who were passing from complications of AIDS. I experienced how poorly my friends were treated in hospitals and worked with others to rotate and bring meals to those that were ill at the time. The threat extended past poor healthcare in my city. The gay bar that I worked at regularly had bomb threats called in. In our city, the metal kids, punk kids, gay kids, and other “weirdos” created our own circle of protection for those in our group. This also meant physical confrontations when the “preps” tried to fight us. Within the ethos of punk rock writings and underground zines, I found ways to be involved in community organization and action. I learned…

The intention of our blog! Getting started!

The intention of our blog! Getting started!

Welcome to the T’Cher Blog!    T’Cher began in 2019 as a study about the health and life experiences of Trans women in the New Orleans area. Since then, it has expanded its purpose and focus. While the Tres Cher, Take Charge website aims to support trans individuals along their health journey, the intention of this blog is to be a resource to things outside the realm of health. The T’Cher blog is a place where people of trans experience can come to find community news, information about organizations and services in the area, as well as insight into the local, national, and global fight for the rights and equality that belong to trans and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) individuals.   We are a group of Trans people and allies, writing to share our experiences, opinions, and support, and to bring attention to topics that we think are important.  

CASTING CALL! Paid roles! June 28th at CrescentCare

CASTING CALL! Paid roles! June 28th at CrescentCare

Please join us for a casting call for our local trans community. We will be shooting a PSA to go along with our new T’Cher Take Charge PrEP program. We have many roles to cast and would love for our local community to be involved, represented and admired!